
i was talking about life of employee with co worker during having dinner
one of us said that whatever the company does to us, we have to do our work in honest
i didnt agree with that opinion, although working is our seconds life, we have our life each.
so we dont have to sacrifice to the company.
we have lots of things to do for getting so many experience.
i think the purpose of living here is getting experience
enjoy life!~


i started to invest stocks 2days ago.
i saw a lots of profit when i checked my stock accont to find some stock i wanna invest.
the profit is what i get when i work for two days, so i felt good! please keep going up!~
anyway the reason i did it is that i wanted to recover my money that lost from investing bitcoin.
so i have to get money back~from anything…. although it is dangerous.
the plan for the investing is that i will forget that i invsted after investing all of money i deposit to invest.
i wish they are become big moeny when i check


i couldn’t concentrate on my work because of the hangover
i think dringking will make me to in panic. so i should stop dringking
i will try.
i was thinking that i spend time learning english more than learing programming during going back home after work
it is needed to be balanced between them.
to do these is that i should spend time efficiantly
there’s a lot to do if i want to do lots of things


i have to write diary in english here because i had party with company co worker.
i went out alone from comanpy party bucause i am having sick on my liver.
it is first time to get pain to this
i think its time that i have to consiser my healty.
i thought i had considered my healty before, but i didnt do it.
if i have free time for tommow i think i have to check my body.
they give me some signal to ask me check my body.
i wanna live here in healthy

'영어 일기'

i will wirte english diary here from tommorow on
i hope i can archive that i made a plan for this year