
i asked that how should i try to learn speak english to teacher.
the teacher said that dont think in korean just think in english.
if i think in korean i have to translate to english, so when i think speaking english,
that make me bother and take time.
although it is unfamiliar to think in english first time i should do it to improve of it
let’s start to think in english during speaking or writing english


i usually talk in english with engoo teacher during work
i realized i used same pattern and same word today
i wanna to express that deviate from the pattern and words i use
i can’t express it
i think that it is important to speak english well that think in freely
i wanna to think in english logic when i use it
the day would come someday


i got a health checkup today
i had though that i had some problem in body, but anything wasnt came out about problem so far.
to figure out weather my body condition is good or not, i need to wait.
i thing i might not have any problem with the body.
nothing with any problem for body is good, but sometime i feel pain on the body.
okay maybe it is good to trust medical checkup and i live as usual.
anyway i wanna success my morning project all weekday


i talked with friend on the phone on the bus after work.
we talked lots of things and it was continued when i got home.
the part that made me thought is that some question that if i could go back to past
when did i wanna go back.
i said some childhood and explain why i decided
then, suddenly i realized that i am real adult.
i think i am not old but i am not young, so i have to be careful to spend time to do something
actually i still dont know what is the best choice to do, but i will remember i wont live for others.


wow i have to look back what i did for today to write a diary every week
it seem to good for our brain to remember something, but it’s a little bit difficult that
what i write for dairy
anyway i feel uncomfortable that the day i didnt wake up early to do my plan
i wrote that i failed to wake up here sometimes to reflect on myself here
but it’s been nothing changed…
what the hell i did how can i do that
i don’t know the way